Friday 24 January 2025
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What to give a New-Born?

What to give a New-Born?

What to give a new-born? How to please young parents and bring the right thing? What will be useful in the economy, and what will remain unopened? When you have children of your own, the answers to these questions are easier to find. But if you communicate with kids only as guests and know about their needs only by hearsay, then this article will be useful to you.

Does the child need toys? – To be honest, not much. During the first month, the baby will definitely not pay any attention to them, and then a couple of months he will not like toys. So, it is better to leave all rattles, whistles and rustling for later. Well, or buy a small toy, purely symbolic, to hand something directly into a tiny pen.

A lot of people prefer to give hygiene products – all kinds of creams, powders and ointments. These funds, of course, are used in the care of the child, but here you need to know the exact brand of products that are suitable for the baby, because others may be allergic to it.

An indispensable gift – a large pack of diapers. That’s what is spent in infants at the speed of light and absorbs a significant portion of the family budget. Diapers are always needed, the main thing – get in size. Although, of course, they have little to do with the concept of “gift”.

Then what to bring during the first visit to the new-born, you ask? – Clothes! cheap toddler clothes are always relevant, because in the first year the child grows rapidly and the outfits that the mother bought before childbirth, will very quickly become small. That’s when gifts from relatives and friends will come in handy.

Of course, buying clothes for a new-born without special skills is not easy. But experts will give you some universal tips to help you choose.

  1. The smallest of the available children’s sizes is the 56th. It doesn’t make sense to take it, because probably this is the size of the whole “starting” wardrobe of the baby. Therefore, it is better to take things of the 62nd or even 68th size, if the baby was born large.
  2. In matters of children’s clothing, quality plays a crucial role, so pay attention to the fabric, accessories, seams. Don’t try to find clothes cheaper and brighter. It is better to let it be one inconspicuous body, but of high quality. Believe me, the baby’s parents will appreciate it.

What to choose? Among the variety of booties and shirts, even an experienced father can get lost. It is best, of course, before buying to consult with the baby’s mother and find out what clothes are relevant to them. But if you want to make a surprise, fashion experts offer several win-win options: men, bodysuits and sliders, fastened on the shoulders, are used by all modern parents. Another good option – gift sets for new-borns, which include several necessary things, selected by colour and well combined with each other.

Where to buy? For starters, let’s find out where you can buy baby clothes for girls: on the trays in the market, out of hand in the aisles and in questionable kiosks. There no one will give you a guarantee of the quality of things. If you already want to go to the store -go to specialized network outlets, time-tested and competitive. But there is an even more convenient and reliable option where to buy clothes for new-borns – online store! You do not have to go anywhere, you will easily find the right clothes in the catalogue, and you will be sure of the quality, because responsible online stores always provide quality certificates for the products sold. You will find a wide selection of products for new-borns for every taste and budget.